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Provo City School District

Timpview High School

Last modified: September 10, 2020

Math 1050 Syllabus

Course Description/Overview/Welcome Statement

Essential Learning Outcome
This course is part of UVU’s general education program and is intended to address the Essential Learning Outcome: Intellectual and Practical Skills foundation.

Learning Expectations

Learning Objectives and Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course a student is able to:

·       Use algebraic methods to solve a variety of problems involving exponential, logarithmic, polynomial, and rational functions, systems of equations and inequalities, sequences notation.

·       Solve equations by correctly completing several logical steps before arriving at a final answer, and when possible, check solutions.

·       Graph linear, power, root, reciprocal, absolute value, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic functions and conic sections along with basic transformations.

·       Analyze real world problems such as population growth, half-life, compound interest, and optimization.  Select appropriate mathematical models to aid in finding solutions.

·       Demonstrate understanding by interpreting mathematical vocabulary and symbols representing mathematical information.

·       Use algebraic manipulations to rewrite equations and expressions, including rewriting in standard form, factoring, and completing the square.  Use matrix methods such as Gaussian elimination, inverse matrices, and determinants to solve systems of linear equations.

In addition, each student is expected to:

·       Perform basic algebraic and arithmetic operations using their knowledge of mathematical facts, rules and properties.

·       Recognize and use their knowledge of a wide variety of mathematical definitions, terms, symbols, expressions, statements, formulas, procedures and methods taught or used in the course.

·       Solve problems by selecting the most appropriate mathematical formula, procedure, or method from among several formulas, procedures, or methods known by the student.

Assessment of Progress

Homework is the personal responsibility of the student.  It is necessary to complete all homework assignments to master the concepts of this course.  To ensure your success in this class and future math classes, it is to your benefit to complete all assignments.  Due dates are listed on the Course Outline.  All homework sections should be completed before taking exam on material.  No homework will be accepted after the Exam for the Unit.

Quizzes will be given for each section in class.  If you do not take a quiz on time, a zero will be recorded for that grade.   NO MAKE-UP QUIZZES.  3 low Quizzes will be dropped each term.

There will be 5 exams (1 Exam for each unit and 1 midterm) and a comprehensive final exam. No notes or textbooks are allowed on exams.  Exams will be taken in class no exceptions.  Exam problems are similar to problems from the homework or problems discussed in class.  The lowest exam score will be dropped at the end of the semester.  No make-up tests will be given.

The final exam for this course will be 12/18/2019. It is University policy to have final exams as scheduled.  If you cannot take it the day of the exam you must make other arrangements prior to the day of the test.  Failure to take the final exam will result in a grade of UW or E (based on last date of attendance) for the course regardless of other grades. It is University policy that no one will be permitted to take a final exam early.


Grading of Exams
Your work will be graded for clarity of presentation, neatness, and accuracy. Correct answers without justification earn no credit, unless otherwise indicated. All work required to solve a problem must be shown. Partial credit will be given when substantive progress towards the solution is detected. If you feel your paper was graded incorrectly, point it out to the instructor the day your exam is returned to you.

Course Materials

College Algebra 5th Edition by Stewart, Redlin, and Watson


Calculator Policy
Scientific (non-graphing) calculators will be allowed on exams and can be used on homework.   UVU does not allow students to use Casio brand calculators.  The TI-30X II S is the recommended calculator and are available to use in class.  Also, no phone-calculators or other smart device calculators are allowed in this course, for exams.


Classroom Procedures

Succeeding in Math 1050
Most of the learning that takes place during this course will occur outside of class as you are studying your lecture notes and textbook and working through the homework problems. An average student should plan to spend approximately 12 hours per week outside of class doing homework in order to earn a passing grade. A student whose background is weak or rusty may need to spend substantially more than 12 hours per week to pass.

The primary reason why so many students find it necessary to repeat this course is because they grossly underestimate the number of hours per week that must be spent doing problems and studying the text and the lecture notes.

DO NOT WAIT UNTIL RIGHT BEFORE THE DEADLINE to start doing the homework, studying for the exam, etc. You can and should work ahead of deadlines as much as possible. If you procrastinate, you are virtually guaranteeing that you will retake the class.

Helpful Hints
1.     You will be able to participate more effectively in the classroom discussions if you read the text in advance, and review your notes from the previous class meeting.

2.     It is often helpful to do more problems than those assigned.

3.     Another good way to learn mathematics is to “teach” it. Try explaining a concept to another student, or show someone in your study group how to solve a particular problem. If you can do so, you most likely have a good solid understanding of the material.

4.     Try not to fall behind. If you start to have difficulty, get help by seeing the instructor in his/her office, by studying with other students, or by meeting with a tutor at the Math Lab in LA 201.

5.     Before working problems in an assignment, study the text and your notes as if you were taking an exam. Then work through the problems without the aid of your text and notes. You may struggle and it may take more time, but what you figure out on your own will stick with you much better than if you just look it up in your notes or book. Remember, you won’t have your notes or text available during an exam, so this is excellent practice. Of course, use your notes and the text when necessary.

Learning Strategist
The Learning Strategist offers learning assistance to students who are having problems with test taking, concentration, attendance, and all types of study skills. You may contact Pat Nelson, the Learning Strategist, in LC 404h or at 863-7418.

Calendar of Due Dates for Major Assignments

There will be 5 exams (1 Exam for each unit and 1 midterm) and a comprehensive final exam. No notes or textbooks are allowed on exams.  Exams will be taken in class no exceptions.  Exam problems are similar to problems from the homework or problems discussed in class.  The lowest exam score will be dropped at the end of the semester.  No make-up tests will be given.

The final exam for this course will be 12/18/2019. It is University policy to have final exams as scheduled.  If you cannot take it the day of the exam you must make other arrangements prior to the day of the test.  Failure to take the final exam will result in a grade of UW or E (based on last date of attendance) for the course regardless of other grades. It is University policy that no one will be permitted to take a final exam early.

Unit 1 Exam: 9/12/2019

Unit 2 Exam: 10/08/2019

 Midterm Exam: 10/11/2019

Unit 3 Exam: 11/11/2019

Unit 4 Exam: 12/12/2019

Final Exam: 12/18/2019

Grading of Exams
Your work will be graded for clarity of presentation, neatness, and accuracy. Correct answers without justification earn no credit, unless otherwise indicated. All work required to solve a problem must be shown. Partial credit will be given when substantive progress towards the solution is detected. If you feel your paper was graded incorrectly, point it out to the instructor the day your exam is returned to you.


Progress Reports and Report Cards

The Final Exam and Unit Exams must be proctored. (No take-home exams, no open-book exams, or no online exams should will be given. No cheat cards or notes are allowed.)

The majority of exams will be work-out problems. To earn full credit, students must show their work.   No test re-takes are allowed.  No test re-works that change the test score are allowed.

Grade Scale
A   = 100-93                                                B – = 82-80                                                   D+ = 69-67

A – = 92-90                                                  C+ = 79-77                                                   D   = 66-63

B+ = 89-87                                                   C   = 76-73                                                   D – = 62-60

B   = 86-83                                                   C – = 72-70                                                   F    = 59-0

Grade Breakdown
Your grade for this class will consist of the following:

·       Homework: 10%

·       Quizzes: 5%

·       5 Unit Exams (lowest score dropped): 60%

·       Final Exam: 25%

Connecting Home to School

·       How do students succeed in this course?  Attending class each day, staying current on homework, and getting help early.

·       How much time should I devote to this course? A minimum of 1-2 hours each day of the week, whether class meets or not, including Saturday. This is a minimum of 6 hours per week.

·       Isn’t this a lot like my high school course? Most students at one time in their life have visited and worked through some of these topics … the difference is the depth of understanding. As students are first introduced to these topics typically this occurs in a procedural fashion. College Algebra is designed to deepen that understanding, fine tune notational skills, and move students from procedure to conceptual understanding.

·       Do I have to like or have fun with mathematics to be good at mathematics? No … most students don’t like or have fun with mathematics, and that’s not really the goal. The goal is to get students to like success with mathematics, not necessarily like the mathematics itself. There is a difference and once you begin to see that difference, then understanding can take place. There is a mathematics professor who said she didn’t like mathematics but she really likes the fact that she can do mathematics and has success with it.

·       What if I consistently struggle every day? It is okay to struggle, to feel frustrated, and to spend time considering various ways to solve something … the goal again is foundational understanding, NOT procedural fluency.

Personal Statement and other items (optional)

University Policies
Academic Integrity
Utah Valley University expects all students to maintain integrity and high standards of individual honesty in academic work, to obey the law, and to show respect for others. Students of this class are expected to support an environment of academic integrity, have the right to such an environment, and should avoid all aspects of academic dishonesty. Examples of academic dishonesty include plagiarizing, faking of data, sharing information during an exam, discussing an exam with another student who has not taken the exam, consulting reference material during an exam, submitting a written assignment which was authored by someone other than you, and/or cheating in any form. Violators of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action. Cheating will not be tolerated.  It will result in a FAILING grade for the course.

In keeping with UVU policy, evidence of academic dishonesty may result in a failing grade in the course and disciplinary review by the college. Additional information on this topic is published in the student handbook and is available on the UVU website.

Students with Disabilities
Students who need accommodations because of a disability may contact the UVU Office of Accessibility Services (OAS), located on the Orem Campus in LC 312. To schedule an appointment or to speak with a counselor, call the OAS office at 801-863-8747. Deaf/Hard of Hearing individuals, email or text 385-208-2677.

Drop/Withdrawal Dates
[10/18/2019]– Last day to drop a class with no record on transcript.

[11/19/2019]– Last day to withdraw from a class (with a “W” on transcript).

Students can withdraw from this class by telephone by calling Registration and Records at 801-863-8468, or online.  To withdraw online, log into your myUVU account, select the Student tab, and click the Registration and Planning link in the menu.  Access the Add or Drop Classes page, open the drop-down menu next to the course, select WEB DROP, and click on the Submit Changes button. AUDIT grades must be requested in person at the Registration and Records windows.


Student’s Rights and Responsibilities:
This course is designed to prepare students for more advanced mathematics courses, preparing for a career and to improve their math skills.  In order to achieve this goal, cooperation is needed from all to maintain a quiet classroom so that everyone can hear and learn without interruptions from others.  “Each student is expected to display appropriate conduct in classroom situations, which will enhance the learning environment.”  (Students Rights & Responsibilities Code, page 5).

Math Lab
The Math Lab is located in LA 201.  You can reach them by phone at 801-863-8411, or online at


·       Monday – Thursday: 8AM to 8PM

·       Friday: 8AM to 5PM


Incomplete Grade Policy
An “I” grade for an incomplete can be given only to students who have completed all of their course work with passing grades but, due to extenuating circumstances, are unable to complete the assignments required during the last two weeks of the semester. Written proof of extenuating circumstances must be verified with the instructor and the Mathematics Department Chair before the last day of the semester. Extenuating circumstances include incapacitating illness, a death in the immediate family, extended hospitalization and other equivalent emergencies. “I” grades are not given for lack of completion of work due to procrastination or dissatisfaction with grades earned to date.

Student Evaluation of Instruction
At the end of the semester, please complete the online student evaluation sent to your UVLink email account. The instructor does not receive any results until after grades are submitted. Responses are completely anonymous. Results from the course evaluations are summarized and cannot be associated with specific students.

Attendance is a key component of your education, as we will discuss things in class that are not in the book. You are responsible for all information presented in class, whether you are present or not; if you miss a class, borrow notes from a fellow student or contact me.  Changes in the syllabus or schedule may occur and will be announced only in class.

