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Provo City School District

Timpview High School

Last modified: January 4, 2023

Mathematics of Personal Finance

Course Description

Mathematics of Personal Finance is designed for students in their senior year of high school. The course represents content from mathematics and personal finance that are essential for students who will assume roles as consumers, money managers and members of a global workforce. Successful completion of all four quarters of this course will fulfill 1 credit of supplemental mathematics requirements.

This course is designed to provide students with the necessary tools to help them with their decision-making process related to their personal finances.

Learning Expectations

The learning targets for the course, that is, what is expected that students learn throughout the school year, are aligned with the Utah Core Standards for Mathematics.

Course Content

Chapter 1- Basic Math

Percents, decimals, rounding, integers, balances, sums, averages, daily balances, evaluating functions, growth, decay, linear and nonlinear patterns, rate of change

Unit Quiz: August 31st

Chapter 2 – Investments

Trading securities, stock charts, changes, graphs, types of investments (index, individual stocks, retirement accounts, bonds, precious metals, commodities, savings accounts, certificate deposits, money market, cryptocurrencies)

Unit Quiz: September 26th

Chapter 3A – Graph Analysis

Bar graphs, histograms, pictographs, expense and asset charts, circle graphs, scatter plots, regression, rate of return graphs.

Unit Quiz: October 12th

Chapter 3B – Creating Graphs

Creating: bar graphs, histograms, pictographs, expense and asset charts, circle graphs, scatter plots, regression, rate of return graphs.

Unit Quiz: October 31st

Chapter 4 – Expenses

Renting/buying a home/room, utilities, car buying/payment, car depreciation, groceries, car: gas, insurance, maintenance; entertainment, subscriptions, clothes, donations, tuition, books, fees, medical insurance, bills, premiums.

Unit Quiz: November 22nd

Chapter 5 – Income/Jobs

Job search, resumes, interview, cover letter, paystubs, monthly income net/gross, tips, salary, hourly wages, income sources, self-employment, benefits, investments, comparing careers, comparing cost of living in different areas, economic impacts.

Unit Quiz: December 15th

Chapter 6 – Budgeting

Starting a budget, bank account, fixed and variable expenses, budget simulation, making a budget on a spreadsheet, how to live when in hardship

Unit Quiz: January 23rd

Chapter 7 – Taxes

W4, W2, 1099, federal and state taxes, how to file your taxes (federal and state)

Unit Quiz: February 14th

Chapter 8 – Credit

History, role, regulations, credit scores, types of credit, building good credit, calculating monthly payments, interest rates, time to pay off (house/car), analyzing amortization schedules, credit cards, risk, responsibilities, cosigners, collateral, excessive debt, credit abuse

Unit Quiz: March 9th

Chapter 9 – Healthy Spending Habits

Emergency funds, consumer protection laws, banks, credit unions, brokerage, influences on spending habits, getting out of debt, bankruptcy and its consequences, avoiding scams, financial contracts, collection

Unit Quiz: April 13th

Chapter 10 – Insurance

Vocabulary and basic concepts, health insurance, medical bills, EOBs, other types of health insurance, auto insurance, homeowner, renters, life, wills, trusts, other aspects of insurance.

Unit Quiz: May 11th


Unit Quizzes comprise 50% of a term’s grade. The other 50% correspond to classwork.

*Quiz dates may be subject to change and will be announced timely.

Course Materials

It is expected that students bring pencils, erasers and a notebook to class.

Use of Chromebook is MANDATORY. Students may refer to Canvas to review each unit/module.

Classroom Procedures

Roll is taken at the beginning of the class.

If a student arrives after the roll has been taken, he/she can write his/her name on the in the form next to the door so the Absence is change at the end of the day.

There are usually three moments of class:

Lecture Individual/Group Work/Research/Discussion Breaks/Transitions Cellphones are not allowed during class except during Transitions. The teacher will tell students when it happens. In case there are questions about the use of electronic devices, please see the Student’s Handbook.

No food or drinks allowed in the classroom except water.

Hallpass is a privilege so students are expected to respect the time allowed to use it (5 mins max.). If any student takes advantage of this privilege, it will be lost temporarily or permanently.

Students will have the opportunity to get feedback during class time, or consultation time.

Calendar of Due Dates for Major Assignments

Dates are posted along with the schedule for the year.

Progress Reports and Report Cards

Grades will be updated in Power School weekly.

If either a parent or a student needs to discuss about any concern regarding the class, arrangements will be made to hold a meeting.

Late Assignments, Retakes and Similar Issues

Each chapter comprises a number of lessons (5 to 7 in general), each lesson has a classwork assignment with a due date. Students MUST turn in the chapter assignments no later than the day of the chapter quiz. No assignment will be accepted after that. If a student fails a chapter test: Students will be able to retake a test as long as: all the homework assignments and the class notes have been turned in.

If a student can’t take the quiz on the assigned date: Unless there is an exceptional circumstance, the student should inform the teacher about the reason of their absence as soon as possible. This should happen no later than 2 weeks after the test date.

Late assignments: Unless extenuating circumstances are valid to excuse, turning assignments late will be given a 70% of credit. No assignment shall be accepted after the unit test has been taken.

For any other concern or issue, make sure you write me (information below) so we can figure out how I can help.

This is my information:

M.A. Math Ed. Omar Naranjo

Room L-46

801-221-9720 ext:3641
