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Provo City School District

Timpview High School

From @provocityschool district: Messaging politicians in an email is one thing; visiting the Capitol Building and chamber floor, where state representatives battle over state laws, to watch political proceedings and voice their concerns is something else entirely.

Yesterday, Provo City School District secondary students and school board members attended the House Education Committee Meeting to discuss bills with Senator McKell, listening to their concerns and thoughts on HB84 (School Safety Amendments).

They also met Representative Tyler James Clancy, who provided a tour of the House and Senate chambers. Clancy, one of the youngest legislators in the United States, emphasized that representatives came from all over, from various demographics and walks of life—no matter who you are, he suggests, you can serve in the legislature. He made it a point to meet and speak with other representatives during their visit. Students also interacted with Representatives Marsha Judkins and Norm Thurston before observing Senate and House gallery proceedings.

They then sat in the gallery of the house chamber, listening to members debate and vote on legislation, experiencing the political heat and fervor sometimes lost in a simple classroom lesson on legislation. Students strode in the footsteps of their representatives, met with our state’s political members, walked in their footsteps, and sat in their chairs on the House Chamber floor—and that’s a venture any student would elect to experience.


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