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Provo City School District

Timpview High School

Purpose Statement

The position of Student Member of the School Board has three main purposes: 1) to invite student perspectives on matters the board is discussing, 2) to encourage more of a liaison function between students throughout the district and the board, and 3) to allow student members to actively participate in board meetings and some assigned board activities. To assist them in fulfilling these purposes, Student Board Members will be closely mentored by one member of the School Board and one member of district administration.

Expectations and Responsibilities

Attend and participate in all School Board business meetings and study sessions (exceptions can be made with advance notice) Be prepared for meetings by reviewing the agenda materials and preparing any assignments beforehand Be willing to commit 14-16 hours per month towards this position Periodically provide short Board Reports in Business Meetings, as assigned by Board Leadership Gather feedback from a variety of students around the district in order to accurately represent the student voice Contribute to Board discussions by providing insight and comments from the student perspective Demonstrate professional decorum by being punctual, dressing in business attire, keeping remarks brief and clear, and being respectful of and courteous with Board Members and other associates of the school district Be enrolled in and attend the Student Government class at their respective high school Lead monthly Student Advisory Council meetings by creating the agenda and reporting to the Board at the next board meeting Attend USBA Conference, if schedule allows Serve on one of the following committees with board members: Policy, Legislative, or Capital Facilities Direct all requests for action to the appropriate department (via the Board mentor) Below you will find a table outlining specific responsibilities and time commitments:

Responsibility Supervisor Time Commitment Description/Notes Attend Board Meetings Board Member 7-8 hours/month Attend all Board meetings (except executive sessions) and participate Prepare for Board Meetings Board Member 1-3 hours/month Read agenda and attachments in preparation to participate in Board Meetings Committee Assignment Board Member Varies, at least 1-2 hours per month Attend committee meetings and participate Student Advisory Council  Meetings District Administrator 1-2 hours/month Organize agenda and email out prior to mtg, assign mtg minutes, ensure all students give input USBA Conference (optional) Board + Dist. Admin 2.5 days/yearly Contact student board members from other districts  prior to conference, attend Day On the Hill Dist. Admin: logistics

Board: schedule

SBMs: attendees, topics  5-6 hours/yearly Meet with legislators, watch committee meetings, observe sessions


The Board will select one representative from within the Timpview High School boundary and one from the Provo High School boundary. Eligible individuals must be enrolled as a full-time student in a high school within the Provo City School District, and must be a Senior in the intended year of service. In addition, student applicants must:

Have a record free of truancies and disciplinary action (including state and municipal laws) for at least 12 months prior to applying Have and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7, with no “F” or “I” grades in the term preceding the date of application Be willing and able to commit the necessary time to attend meetings, perform their duties, and carry out Board responsibilities Demonstrate a commitment to honesty, reliability, and integrity in their assignments and responsibilities

Be available to serve during the official term of office (July 1 to June 30)

Application Process

Applications are due by 5:00 pm on May 1, 2024 and are to be submitted online.

The application must include the following:

This will include the following: Personal contact information Parent/Guardian information Three email addresses of individuals who can be contacted to fill out a recommendation form; at least one of these individuals must be a high school teacher Consent for the Superintendent or designee and the Board of Education to examine attendance and disciplinary records Consent for the Superintendent or designee and the Board of Education to examine high school transcript  Personal resume highlighting:  Academic and extracurricular achievements Relevant jobs, positions held, and experience Honors and awards received A list of extracurricular activities in which the the applicant participated during high school A 1-2 page narrative describing the applicant’s desire to serve as a Student Board Member, their ability to represent student voices to the Board of Education, their dedication to serving others through representation, and their interest in politics, education, and/or service. Signatures from 50 high school students currently enrolled in the Provo City School District

Members of the School Board will review all student applications and invite the top candidates from each high school boundary to interview for the position. Interviews will be scheduled the week of May 6, 2024 at the district office. The final decision will be announced no later than May 14, 2024.


Provo City School District is seeking applications for students who will be seniors during the 2025-2026 school year. Information about the position, eligibility, and expectations can be found...

Spring tryouts are starting soon! See below for details: Baseball Start Date: Feb 24 at 3:00 PM at the Diamond Softball Start Date: Feb 24 at 3:00 PM at Fox Field (there will be a bus leaving...

Parent Night 2025 Join us for an upcoming 2025 Parent Night.  Event Details You can choose the date that works best for you. February 11, 2025 (Centennial Middle School - 305 East 2320 North...
