2022-2023 Student Government
SBO President: Eliza Doxey
SBO Vice President: Hyrum Forstrom
SBO Secretary: Izry Garcia
SBO Social Vice President: Lucy Bailey
Men’s President: Caleb Ngatuvai
Women’s President: Sarah Lee
Senior President: Margaret Oldroyd
Senior Vice President: Lucy Nebeker
Senior Secretary: Eliza Wilcox
Junior President: Abigail Billeter
Junior Vice President: Ellie Esplin
Junior Secretary: Samara Bikman
Sophomore President: Caroline Doxey
Sophomore Vice President: Bella Hanson
Sophomore Secretary: Trenton Osguthorpe
Boys Edgemont Senate: Brigham Richards
Girls Edgemont Senate: Katy Call
Edgemont Justice: Youjin Bann
Boys Canyon Senate: Adam Hoelzer
Girls Canyon Senate: Claire Burningham
Canyon Justice: Grace Dunford
Boys Campus Senate: Spencer Whatcott
Girls Campus Senate: Maya Teemant
Campus Justice: Bo Thomas
Boys South Senate: Emma Lillywhite
Girls South Senate: Michelle Angel
South Justice: Jack Clarke
Chief Justice: Lauren Robertson
Public Relations: Sadey Gerber
Video Coordinator: Creed Ford, Brooklyn Berrett, Greyson Bushman
Social Media Rep: Kate Reichner, Jenna Staheli
Artist: Kaylee Cheney, Eva Deans, Rylee Tierney
Inclusive & Culture Rep: Margot Griffin, Peter de Guzman, James Doyle
Latinos in Action Rep: APPOINTED
People of the Pacific Rep: APPOINTED
Spirit Rep TA: Emily Crowton