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Provo City School District Logo

Provo City School District

Timpview High School

2022-2023 Student Government

SBO President: Eliza Doxey 

SBO Vice President: Hyrum Forstrom 

SBO Secretary: Izry Garcia 

SBO Social Vice President: Lucy Bailey 

Men’s President: Caleb Ngatuvai 

Women’s President: Sarah Lee 

Senior President: Margaret Oldroyd 

Senior Vice President: Lucy Nebeker 

Senior Secretary: Eliza Wilcox 

Junior President: Abigail Billeter

Junior Vice President: Ellie Esplin 

Junior Secretary: Samara Bikman 

Sophomore President: Caroline Doxey

Sophomore Vice President: Bella Hanson 

Sophomore Secretary: Trenton Osguthorpe 

Boys Edgemont Senate: Brigham Richards

Girls Edgemont Senate: Katy Call 

Edgemont Justice: Youjin Bann

Boys Canyon Senate: Adam Hoelzer 

Girls Canyon Senate: Claire Burningham 

Canyon Justice: Grace Dunford 

Boys Campus Senate: Spencer Whatcott 

Girls Campus Senate: Maya Teemant 

Campus Justice: Bo Thomas

Boys South Senate: Emma Lillywhite

Girls South Senate: Michelle Angel 

South Justice: Jack Clarke

Chief Justice: Lauren Robertson

Public Relations: Sadey Gerber

Video Coordinator: Creed Ford, Brooklyn Berrett, Greyson Bushman

Social Media Rep: Kate Reichner, Jenna Staheli

Artist: Kaylee Cheney, Eva Deans, Rylee Tierney

Inclusive & Culture Rep: Margot Griffin, Peter de Guzman, James Doyle

Latinos in Action Rep: APPOINTED

People of the Pacific Rep: APPOINTED


Spirit Rep TA: Emily Crowton 


Congrats to Jane Hendegren !!!! She WON the Nike Cross Country National Champion and set a new course...

Congrats to Erika, Avonelle and Adalaide for winning the best editing award for their mini film at the Utah Bridge Chinese Language Fair Film...

December 2024 Congrats to our Boy Wrestling team in the their Boys Skyhawk Showdown Our Cheer team placed 1st in situational sideline and 2nd in band chant at State! They will be going to...
