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Provo City School District

Timpview High School

Last modified: May 3, 2024

Program Goal:

The goal of German learners in the Timpview High School German program is to achieve Intermediate Mid proficiency according to the ACFTL Proficiency Guidelines.

By achieving Intermediate Mid, students will also earn the Utah State Seal of Biliteracy.   

Center of Excellence:

Timpview German is an AATG Center of Excellence.  In the Timpview German classes, you WILL learn German.  Come join us !  You’ll be glad you did.

Our Exchange:

Timpview maintains an active GAPP Exchange with the Franziskaneum Gymnasium in Meißen, Saxony.  Provo and Meißen are also sister cities.  We are preparing for our next exchange in June of 2025.  The next Exchange will celebrate the 25th anniversary of our partnership.

Video Projects:

Fences or Bridges

Weihnachtskonzert 2022

Dresden Project

O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden

Trabant in Utah

Von Provo nach Meißen

Tausend Sterne sind ein Dom

Dr Bargma

Dr. Van Orden Teaching Awards:

Timpview High School Crystal Apple Award, fellow Timpview teachers, 2024

Timpview High School Golden Apple Award, Timpview students and parents, 2022

Excellence in Teaching Award, for sustained teaching excellence, from SWCOLT, 2022

Outstanding German Educator Award, AATG’s highest teaching recognition, 2020

Checkpoint Charlie Foundation Teacher Award, recognition for teaching culture and contributions to the German-teaching profession from AATG, 2019

Stanford Teaching Recognition, recognition for outstanding teaching from Stanford, 2015

Official Citation, for renewing National Board Certification, Utah State Legislature, 2014

Utah Teacher of the Year Finalist, Utah State Office of Education, 2014

Provo School District Teacher of the Year, Provo Education Association & Provo School District, 2013           

Timpview Teacher of the Year, Provo Education Association, 2013.

276R Service Award, for ten years of service to the students in the 276R classes, Brigham Young University Humanities College, April 2012

German Center of Excellence, for building and maintaining an exemplary secondary German program, American Association of Teachers of German (AATG), 2011

National Teacher of the Year Finalist, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), 2010

Teacher of the Year, Southwest Conference on Language Teaching (SWCOLT), 2010

Fabulous 50, for building the community through teaching and service, Utah Valley Magazine, March 2010

Foreign Language Teacher of the Year, Utah Foreign Language Association, 2009

Outstanding Educator, Provo Foundation, 2007

Timpview Crystal Apple Award, for excellence in teaching and collaboration with colleagues, Provo Education Association, 2005

Teacher Feature Award, for dedication to students, KSL Radio, January 2005

All-Stars in Teaching Dinner Certificate of Recognition, for achieving National Board Certification, Utah Education Association, 2004

Commendation, for excellence in teaching, Provo School District, 2004

Commendation, for achieving National Board Certification, Utah State Senate, 2004

Timpview Teacher of the Year, Provo Education Association, 2004

Pat Buckner Collaborative Award, for creation of a language computer lab, Utah Foreign Language Association, 2002


Here are some German language teaching units that I have created about cultural topics that don’t usually show up in a regular textbook.  The units are mostly in the EPUB format.  Please feel free to download them and use them in your German classes if you would like to do so.  The units contain authentic multimedia and various communicative and practice activities to go along with the media.  I am using the media under Fair Use in copyright law.  My interpretation of Fair Use comes from the Code of Best Practices in Fair Use.

I will continue to add eBooks in the EPUB format here as I create them.

Beethoven Lehreinheit EPUB

Kasperle Lehreinheit EPUB

Aussprachetraining EPUB

Krimi Lehreinheit EPUB

Unterwegs in Deutschland (link to an Apple iBook)

Alphorn Lehreinheit EPUB
