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Last modified: March 5, 2025

Participating in School Community Council

Creating Inclusive School Community Councils

Parent participation in school community councils is important. Councils prepare, adopt, and implement education plans at their school. A majority of Utah parents are still unaware and unengaged, and many school community councils are not reflective of the diverse communities they represent. Building equitable representation from within the councils will give our state a greater community asset.

Why Participate?

  • Improved student success and wellbeing for ALL students
  • Engaged parent representation in decision making will allow for greater equity
  • A diverse pool of parent viewpoints helps bridge cultural gaps

How to Get Involved

Successful parent involvement on school community councils happens when:

Parents understand how they can influence school and student improvement. They understand why their involvement is important. Many parents may have heard of and even participated in council elections, but parents need to know why the school community council should be a priority for how they spend their volunteer time.

Parents feel empowered. Their opinions and skills are valued and will have an impact on student success. The perspective of each member is recognized as unique and all perspectives are encouraged and respected. Mentoring will help familiarize parents with the Utah educational system.

Expectations are clear and happen logistically so all parents have the opportunity to participate. Training is provided for all. Councils may need to pay attention to the time of the meetings, cultural nuances, language barriers, childcare, etc.

Investing in parents allows them to see results from their involvement. They choose to continue being involved and encourage others to participate. Parents now become advocates, mentors and community assets for increased parental involvement.