Timpview Celebrates Christmas Around the World
- December 14th, 2022
Christmas Around the World! Thanks to all our students and teachers who helped have booths, activities and...
Christmas Around the World! Thanks to all our students and teachers who helped have booths, activities and...
A-Day / After school activities will continue Thur Late Start 56-minute classes 7-minute passing period ONE 36-minute lunch 1 9:30 - 10:26 2 10:33 - 11:29 ONE Lunch 11:29 - 12:05 3...
Student Article by Claire Armond There are many ways Timpview Students can spread some holiday cheer this December. Here are 12 ways to get you started. 1. Write a thank you note to your...
Due to current weather conditions, Provo City School District will operate on a Two Hour Late Start Schedule today. This means that school will start two hours later than normal for each school. ...
On March 25, PCSD is hosting the first, district-wide K-12 film festival. To get the word out, please post the attached notifications and the link to our Film Festival website to your school's...
Today, the Seniors were able to have a ribbon cutting celebration to celebrate the opening of the new South Academic Complex. Our seniors have been amazing supports through construction and got to...
All are welcome to participate in some of our upcoming community events, including: the Art Stroll, Bagpippers and many Nativity displays. Click on the images below to learn more about these...
We love our Timpview family!! PTSA working hard to take care of others during the...
Student Government kicked off Sub for Santa Season last night at the United Way's Sub for Santa center. They were able to set up shelving units to house the incoming gifts, as well as take a tour of...