Timpview SCC Meeting – January 16, 2025
Meeting Details
Ubicación: Biblioteca
Board Members in Attendance
- Rey Moana
- Julie Thompson
- Heather Karns
- Momi Tuua
- Tanei Atagi Henry
- Shane Wright
- Jennie Blum
- Kevin Call
- Cinda Morgan
- Lisa Pulver
Non-Board Members in Attendance
- Cheryl Moffatt
- Melanie Hall (Board Member)
- Jennifer Partridge (Board Member)
- Martin Yablonovsky
- Tom Fell
- Cami White
- Brandon Dorathy
- Camille Farias
- Suzanne Parker
Board Members Not in Attendance
- Marty Evans
- Cresta de Perry
Meeting Minutes
Approval of December Minutes
Motion to approve December minutes made by Heather Karns, seconded by Julie Thompson.
Lighting Installation Discussion
- Concerns were raised about additional lighting installation.
- Momi Tuua reported that lighting will be installed at the new entrance, the back side of the bleachers, and along the path.
- The SCC will review the installed lighting to determine if additional lighting is needed for trails or concession areas.
Reading Literacy Goal #1
Presenter: Brandon Dorathy
- Discussed the NWEA (new test administered to all students K-11).
- Baseline data shows that 40% of 9th graders are college-ready.
- Test is currently being administered through January 24th.
- Since it is district-wide, the data will be more informative over time.
- The Board confirmed that the test will be in place for at least five years.
- Goal: 85% of 9th and 10th graders will be reading at grade level.
Ninth Grade School Improvement Goal #2
Presenter: Camille Farias (Timpview Instructional Coach)
- Reading Specialist Jennifer Napierski has been working with 9th and 10th graders to improve vocabulary.
- Admin would like to increase student enrollment in the class.
- Quarterly Data:
- Q1: 89.5% of 9th graders passing core classes
- Q2: 91% of 9th graders passing core classes
- Admin will use NWEA test data to assess growth and proficiency.
- PLC meetings will help identify students needing support.
- Shane Wright inquired about plans for teachers with underperforming students.
- Admin confirmed that those teachers will receive training from District Instructional Coaches.
Advanced Learning Experiences – Goal #3
Presenter: Martin Yablonovsky
- Currently, 760 students are registered for AP tests, with 1,463 exams scheduled.
- 82% of students score a 3 or higher.
- Encouragement needed for students to sign up for Matrícula simultánea credit (e.g., Financial Literacy).
- More awareness is needed regarding Pathways programs.
- Admin will distribute an informational video and questionnaire to students.
Multilingual Learners (ML) Program
Presenter: Suzanne Parker
- Current ML Enrollment: 280 students.
- Students in ELD Classes: 109.
- Newcomers to the Country: 35.
- Students not in ELD but classified as ML: 171.
- Individual conferences are being held with each student to set goals for improvement in one key area.
Expanding Post-Graduation Opportunities
Presenter: Momi Tuua
- 48% of Utahns earn a BA degree, but what about the remaining 52%?
- Discussion on how SCC funds could be used to assist students who pursue alternative career paths.
- Assignment for SCC Members: By next meeting, ask someone how they achieved their professional goals. Identify any individuals who helped them along the way.
- Exploring options for supporting MTECH access and whether SCC funds could be used for transportation.
Motion to Adjourn: Shane Wright
Seconded by: Momi Tuua
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