Última modificación: 5 de marzo de 2025
UVU Distance Education Course Descriptions
ART 1010, Introduction to Visual Arts FF (FA)
- Semester, Grades 10, 11, 12
- Requisito previo: 3.0 GPA acumulativo, admisión en Utah Valley University
- Develops an appreciation of the visual arts by investigating the elements and principles of art, art criticism, art production, and the history of art. Includes written critiques and assignments. Requires students to identify works of arts and describe their significance in writing.
ASTR 1040, Elementary Astronomy PP (S, SE)
- Semester, Grades 11, 12
- Requisito previo: 3.0 GPA acumulativo, admisión en Utah Valley University
- Introduces astronomy and cosmology. Provides a physics-based overview of the solar system, the lives and deaths of stars, galaxies, and the evolution of the Universe. Explores the basic principles of physics and light, the tools of astronomy, and interesting concepts such as the Big Bang and black holes. Canvas Course Materials of $77/Pearson applies.
BIOL 1010, General Biology BB (S, SE)
- Semester, Grades 11, 12
- Requisito previo: 3.0 GPA acumulativo, admisión en Utah Valley University
- Introduces major themes and concepts of biology including cell and molecular biology, genetics, diversity, evolution, and ecology. Provides students with necessary information and skills to critically evaluate what they hear, read, and see in the living world; communicate clearly; and apply methods to interpret data for making informed decisions concerning the role of biology in a world of which they are a part.
CJ 1010, Introduction to Criminal Justice SS (EL)
- Semester, Grades 11, 12
- Prerequisites: 2.0 cumulative GPA, Utah Valley University admission
- Presents the processes, institution, and administration of criminal justice in the United States. Examines the crime problem, criminal law, law enforcement, criminal prosecution, criminal defense, bail, the jury system, and sentencing among adult and juvenile offenders. Explores the correctional system; namely, probation, prisons, inmates’ rights and parole.
CJ 1330, Criminal Law (EL)
- Semester, Grades 11, 12
- Prerequisite: CJ 1010, 2.0 cumulative GPA, Utah Valley University admission
- Provides an overview of criminal law. Covers history and terminology of the criminal justice system, the elements of specific offenses, and the role of the criminal justice system, the elements of specific offenses, and the role of the criminal justice profession in the fact-gathering process.
COMM 1020, Public Speaking HH (E,LA )
- Semester, Grades 10, 11, 12
- Prerequisite: 2.0 cumulative GPA, Utah Valley University admission
- Provides an introduction to basic concepts, theories, principles of oral communication as applied to a variety of speaking situations. Develops competence in oral communication through performance, as applied to critical thinking skills, arrangement of ideas, and use of evidence and reasoning to support claims. Explains how culture influences what is considered effective public speaking. May be delivered online. Canvas Course Materials of $90/Vitalsource applies
COMM 1050, Introduction to Speech Communication SS (E, LA)
- Semester, Grades 11, 12
- Prerequisites: 2.0 cumulative GPA, Utah Valley University admission
- Surveys the questions, methods, and findings in the discipline of speech communication. Explores communication theory and practice across a variety of contexts and forms, including verbal, non-verbal, interpersonal, group, organization, and mass communication. Canvas Course Material $45/Sage applies
COMM 1500, Introduction to Mass Communication HH (E, LA)
- Semester, Grades 11, 12
- Prerequisite: 2.0 cumulative GPA, Utah Valley University admission
- Introduces students to the study of American mass media. Provides a critical overview of the main themes in the study of mass media, including the historical development of the media; the social, political, economic, and organizational contexts, impacts, and significance of the media; the nature of media content; its complex relationships to mass audiences; and the legal/regulatory context in which the media operate.
ENGL 1010, Introduction to Academic Writing CC (E, LA12)
- Semester, Grades 12
- Prerequisite: 3.0 cumulative GPA, Utah Valley University admission,
- Pass 10th and 11th grade English classes with B averages or higher, Have an ACT score of 19+ in English and 19+ in Reading OR have an ACT score of 20+ in English and 18+ in Reading OR have an ACT score of 18+ in English and 20+ in Reading. *You may substitute ACT scores with qualifying Accuplacer scores.
- Teaches rhetorical knowledge and skills, focusing on critical reading, writing, and thinking. Introduces writing for specific academic audiences and situations. Emphasizes writing as a process through multiple drafts and revisions. This course is one of eight prerequisite courses needed to apply to the UVU ASN Degree
- UVU ASN Application Information
ENGL 2010, Intermediate Academic Writing CC (E, LA12)
- Semester, Grades 12
- Prerequisite: 3.0 cumulative GPA, Utah Valley University admission,
- Be a high school senior. Completion of English 1010 with a B- or better. (via face-to-face Concurrent Enrollment) • Completion of English 1010 with a C- or better. (via LIVE INTERACTIVE) OR official ACT test scores of 29+ in English AND Reading OR earned *ENGL1010 credit by scoring 3 or higher on the AP English Language or AP English Literature Exam.
- Emphasizes academic inquiry and research. Explores issues from multiple perspectives. Teaches careful reasoning, argumentation, and rhetorical awareness of purpose, audience, and genre. Focuses on critically evaluating, effectively integrating, and properly documenting sources. *AP exam scores must be submitted and recorded at UVU prior to prerequisite deadlines.
GEO 1010, Introduction to Geology PP (SE)
- Semester, Grades 10, 11, 12
- Requisito previo: 3.0 GPA acumulativo, admisión en Utah Valley University
- Studies planet earth: its materials, structure, dynamics, and surface features. Taken alone it is designed for non-science students who want a broad introduction to earth science and a greater appreciation of their physical surroundings.
HUM 1010, Humanities Through the Arts HH (LA, FA)
- Semester, Grades 10, 11, 12
- Requisito previo: 3.0 GPA acumulativo, admisión en Utah Valley University
- Studies the media and compositional elements of the various art forms (literature, music, visual arts, theater, film, dance, and architecture), for greater understanding and enjoyment. Teaches how to interpret artistic meaning by analyzing artworks formally as well as in their historical contexts, such as the predominant subject matters and styles of their period. Encourages students to integrate the arts into their daily lives habitually, so that they become lifelong learners and educators.
METO 1010, Introduction to Meteorology PP (SE)
- Semester, Grades 10, 11, 12
- Requisitos previos: 3.0 GPA acumulativo, admisión en Utah Valley University
- Introduces the study of our atmosphere. Studies the Earth’s dynamic weather systems. Covers structure and compositions of the atmosphere; weather patterns; air masses; and types of weather fronts, weather forecasting, and climates.
MUSC 1010, Introduction to Music FF (FA)
- Semester, Grades 11, 12
- Prerequisite 3.0 cumulative GPA, Utah Valley University admission
- A survey course designed to make music more meaningful. Studies melody, harmony, form and rhythm together with historical and biographical information. Canvas Course Materials $63/Norton applies.
MUSC 1030, American Popular Music FF (FA)
- Semester, Grades 10, 11, 12
- Requisito previo: 3.0 GPA acumulativo, admisión en Utah Valley University
- Studies the emergence, development, and characteristics of American music including Jazz, Blues, Country, Rock, Motown, Hip-Hop, and other popular styles. Examines the contributions of European, African, Latin and other cultural traditions on American popular music. Studies the influences of mass media and technology. Examines the marketing and dissemination of popular music by the music industry. Studies the role of popular music as a symbol of race, class, gender, and generation. Fulfills the Fine Arts general education distribution requirement and addresses the Intellectual and Practical Skills Foundation essential learning outcomes of qualitative reasoning.
NUTR 1020, Foundations of Human Nutrition (H, CTE)
- Semester, Grades 10, 11, 12
- Prerequisite: 2.0 cumulative GPA, Utah Valley University admission
- For students interested in various health care professions. Considers basic principles of human nutrition. Studies factors that influence nutritive requirements and maintenance of nutritional balance. Examines relationships between proper nutrition and social, mental and physical wellbeing. Canvas Course Materials $70/McGraw applies. This course is one of eight prerequisite courses needed to apply to the UVU ASN Degree
- UVU ASN Application Information
PHIL 205G/2050, Ethics and Values IH/GI (LA, SS)
- Semester, Grades 12
- Prerequisite: ENGL 1010 with C- grade or higher OR ACT scores of 29+ in English and Reading OR, earned ENGL 1010 credit by scoring 3 or higher on the AP English Language exam. AP exam scores must be submitted and record at UVU prior to course registration, 3.0 cumulative GPA, Utah Valley University admission
- Challenges students to explore and clarify their values; critically read works of philosophy, literature, religion, and history toward understanding the basis of their ethical views; and read, study, research, discuss, and write about difficult ethical issues. Focuses on issues of good vs. evil, justice vs. injustice, equality vs. inequality, and the necessity of defining and examining happiness and values. Engages students in serious reflection on issues of ethics and values as they relate to the students’ own lives.
PHSC 1000, Survey of Physical Science PP (S, SE)
- Semester, Grades 11, 12
- Requisito previo: 3.0 GPA acumulativo, admisión en Utah Valley University
- Surveys the exciting world of science and explains the basic scientific laws and models by which the physical universe may be understood. Stresses historical aspects and the impact of physical science on modern society. Draws topics from the fields of physics, chemistry, geology, meteorology and astronomy. Uses lectures, dramatizations, audio-visual presentations, and demonstrations. Canvas Course Material $95/Pearson applies.
POLS 1100, American National Government AS (GOV, SS)
- Semester, Grades 11, 12
- Requisito previo: 3.0 GPA acumulativo, admisión en Utah Valley University
- Studies history and structure of American National Government, rights and responsibilities of citizens, political institutions, political processes, and governmental policies. Canvas Course Material $33/Top Hat classroom response system applies.
PSY 1010, General Psychology SS (SS)
- Semester, Grades 11, 12
- Prerequisite 3.0 cumulative GPA, Utah Valley University admission
- An introductory course in modern scientific psychology. Covers major domains of scientific psychology including biological foundations, sensations, perception, learning, motivation, human development and abnormal psychology. Examines major psychological and professional applications.
PSY 1100, Human Development Life Span SS (SS, CTE)
- Semester, Grades 11, 12
- Requisito previo: 3.0 GPA acumulativo, admisión en Utah Valley University
- Explores genetic and environmental influences on human development and behavior from conception and birth through old age and death. Examines typical physical, cognitive, and psychosocial changes at each developmental stage throughout the life span. Explores major theoretical perspective on human development. Canvas Course Materials $70/McGraw applies. This course is one of eight prerequisite courses needed to apply to the UVU ASN Degree
- UVU ASN Application Information
SOC 1010, Introduction to Sociology SS (SS)
- Semester, Grades 11, 12
- Requisito previo: 3.0 GPA acumulativo, admisión en Utah Valley University
- Studies and compares social groups and institutions and their inter-relationships. Includes culture, socialization, deviance, stratification, race, ethnicity, social change, and collective behavior.
THEA 1013, Introduction to Theatre FF WE (FA)
- Semester, Grades 11, 12
- Requisito previo: 3.0 GPA acumulativo, admisión en Utah Valley University
- Examines theatre analysis, history, dramatic structure, outstanding dramatic literature, and the various roles in the theatre production including the playwright, producer, director, the design team, production staff, house staff, run crew, and publicity. Utilizes lecture, film review, play reading, and live theatre attendance.
THEA 1023, Introduction to Film FF (FA, LA)
- Semester, Grades 11, 12
- Requisito previo: 3.0 GPA acumulativo, admisión en Utah Valley University
- Designed to develop the analytical skills necessary for understanding the motion picture – not only as an art form, but as a tool for the statement of ideas. Explores the visual and aural elements employed by movie-makers to influence audiences. Studies context – the historical, social, political, cultural, and the artistic situation which produced the film and how it reflects ourselves and our society. Combines lecture, screening, and demonstration with critical discussions of assigned readings and films.