Última modificación: 6 de marzo de 2025
Concurrent Enrollment Course Catalog 2024-2025
UVU (Utah Valley University) college credit classes are taught face-to-face by Timpview teachers.
To receive college credit, students must apply to UVU and receive a UVU ID number. You can complete this process at UVU Concurrent Enrollment Application Page.
Once students have their UVU ID number, they must register for classes using the provided CRN numbers. This can be done at UVU’s Official Website.
College tuition of $5 per credit hour must be paid to UVU. Payment information and instructions can be found at UVU Concurrent Enrollment Tuition Payment Page.
It is important to pay close attention to all college deadlines.
Participation in the Concurrent Enrollment program will generate an official college transcript where grades become permanent.
If a student drops their concurrent enrollment high school class, they must also drop the enrolled college course at UVU. Failure to do this will result in a failing grade on the college transcript.
- October 1 – Admission Application Opens
- October 29 – Registration Opens
- January 20 – Admission Application Closes
- Admission can take up to 4 business days to process.
- Late Registration fees will be applied for classes added after January 25.
- January 23 – Registration Closes
- January 27 – *Late Registration Exceptions*
- $15 late fee will be automatically applied to each registered course.
- February 10 – Last day to drop without a W (Spring courses)
- March 10 – Tuition Due
- March 20 – Last day to withdraw with a W (Spring courses)
View Course Options Below
CE Redacción universitaria 1010
- Full Year
- THS Teacher: Jones
- UVU Course: ENGL1010
- UVU Course Name: Introduction to Academic Writing (CC)
- UVU CRN: Fall 38569
CE Intro to Writing 1010
- Full Year
- THS Teacher: Jones
- UVU Course: ENGL 1010
- UVU Course Name: Introduction to Academic Writing (CC)
- UVU CRN: Fall 14101
*CE Intermediate Writing 2010
- Full year
- THS Teacher: Jones
- UVU Course: ENGL 2010
- UVU Course Name: Intermediate Writing/Research (CC)
- UVU CRN: 29924 (spring)
New! *CE Intermediate Writing 2010
- Full year
- THS Teacher: Jones
- UVU Course: ENGL 2010
- UVU Course Name: Intermediate Writing/Research (CC)
- UVU CRN: Fall 38569
New! Aspiring Educators
- Semester
- THS Teacher: Van Orden
- UVU Course: EDEL 1010
- UVU Course Name: Introduction to Education
- Credit Hours: 2
- UVU CRN: Fall/Spring 39560
AP Music Theory
- Full Year
- THS Teacher: Bowman
- UVU Course: MUSC 1100, MUSC 1110
- UVU Course Name: Fundamentals of Music (FF), Music Theory I
- Credit Hours: 3 (each course)
- UVU CRN: 38610 (fall), 38087 (spring)
Exercise Science/Sports Medicine
- Full Year
- THS Teacher: Kober
- UVU Course: PES 2400
- UVU Course Name: Sports Injuries
- Credit Hours: 2
- UVU CRN: Fall 18208
*CE MATH 1010 / *CE College Algebra 1050
- Full Year
- THS Teacher: Taylor
- UVU Course: MAT 1010, MATH 1050
- UVU Course Name: Intermediate Algebra (GM), College Algebra (QL)
- Credit Hours: 4 (each course)
- UVU CRN: 33886 (fall), 33282 (spring)
*CE Quan Reasoning Math 1030
- Semester
- THS Teacher: Taylor
- UVU Course: MAT 1030
- UVU Course Name: Quantitative Reasoning (QL)
- Credit Hours: 3
- UVU CRN: Fall 29390, Spring 30453
*CE College Algebra 1050 / *CE College Trigonometry 1060
- Full Year
- THS Teacher: Taylor
- UVU Course: MATH 1050, MATH 1060
- UVU Course Name: College Algebra (QL), Trigonometry (GM)
- Credit Hours: 4 (College Algebra), 3 (Trigonometry)
- UVU CRN: 14310 (fall), 14171 (spring)
*Precalculus – Accelerated
- Full Year
- THS Teacher: Taylor
- UVU Course: MATH 1050, MATH 1060
- UVU Course Name: College Algebra (QL), Trigonometry (GM)
- Credit Hours: 3 (each course)
- UVU CRN: 38434 (spring), 38447 (spring)
*CE Intro to Statistics 1040
- Semester
- THS Teacher: Scarzella
- UVU Course: STAT 1040
- UVU Course Name: Introduction to Statistics (QL)
- Credit Hours: 3
- UVU CRN: Fall 38309, Spring 37994
*CE Biology
- Full Year
- THS Teacher: Abbott
- UVU Course: BIOL 1010, BIOL 1015
- UVU Course Name: General Biology (BB), General Biology Lab
- Credit Hours: 3 (General Biology), 1 (Lab)
- UVU CRN: Fall 38310 (General Biology), Fall 38318 (Lab)
*AP Biology
- Full Year
- THS Teacher: Jensen
- UVU Course: BIOL 1610, BIOL 1615
- UVU Course Name: College Biology (BB), College Biology Lab
- Credit Hours: 4 (College Biology), 1 (Lab)
- UVU CRN: Fall 30740 (College Biology), Fall 30741 (Lab)
*CE Chemistry
- Full Year
- THS Teacher: Karunaratne
- UVU Course: CHEM 1010, CHEM 1015
- UVU Course Name: Introduction to Chemistry (PP), Introduction to Chemistry Lab
- Credit Hours: 3 (Introduction to Chemistry), 1 (Lab)
- UVU CRN: Fall 36847 (Introduction to Chemistry), Fall 36848 (Lab)
New! *Physics
- Full Year
- THS Teacher: Mcilmoil
- UVU Course: PHYS 1010
- UVU Course Name: Elementary Physics (PP)
- Credit Hours: 3
- UVU CRN: Fall 39769
- Semester
- THS Teacher: Carter
- UVU Course: ECON 1010
- UVU Course Name: Economics as a Social Science (SS)
- Credit Hours: 3
- UVU CRN: Fall 20705, Spring 21723
- Full Year
- THS Teacher: Ribera
- UVU Course: ASL 1020
- UVU Course Name: Beginning American Sign Language II
- Credit Hours: 4
- UVU CRN: Fall 35343
- Full Year
- THS Teacher: Ribera
- UVU Course: ASL 2010
- UVU Course Name: Intermediate American Sign Language I
- Credit Hours: 4
- UVU CRN: Fall 37383
French 3 Honors
- Full Year
- THS Teacher: Petalo
- UVU Course: FREN 1020
- UVU Course Name: Beginning French II
- Credit Hours: 4
- UVU CRN: Fall 35666
German 3
- Full Year
- THS Teacher: Van Orden
- UVU Course: GER 1020
- UVU Course Name: Beginning German II
- Credit Hours: 4
- UVU CRN: Fall 33781
AP German Language
- Full Year
- THS Teacher: Van Orden
- UVU Course: GER 2010
- UVU Course Name: Intermediate German I
- Credit Hours: 4
- UVU CRN: Fall 17497
CE Bridge Chinese
- Full Year
- THS Teacher: Peng
- UVU Course: CHIN 3118
- UVU Course Name: Chinese Pop Culture
- Credit Hours: 3
- UVU CRN: A2-35319, A3-39703, A4-39704
CE Bridge French
- Full Year
- THS Teacher: Petelo
- UVU Course: FREN 3118
- UVU Course Name: Paris, City of Lights
- Credit Hours: 3
- UVU CRN: A2-31049, A3-39715, A4-39716
CE Bridge Spanish
- Full Year
- THS Teacher: Holbrook
- UVU Course: SPAN 3118
- UVU Course Name: Literature & Film: Contemporary Issues
- Credit Hours: 3
- UVU CRN: A2-35335, A3-39675, A4-39676
Financial Literacy (Teacher: Johnson, S)
- Semester
- THS Teacher: Johnson, S
- UVU Course: FIN 1060
- UVU Course Name: Personal Finance (SS)
- Credit Hours: 3
- UVU CRN: Fall 30785, Spring 31622
Financial Literacy (Teacher: Ward)
- Semester
- THS Teacher: Ward
- UVU Course: FIN 1060
- UVU Course Name: Personal Finance (SS)
- Credit Hours: 3
- UVU CRN: Fall 28096, Spring 28648
Business Management
- Semester
- THS Teacher: Carter
- UVU Course: MGMT 1010
- UVU Course Name: Introduction to Business (SS)
- Credit Hours: 3
- UVU CRN: Fall 20704, Spring 33148
Computer Science Principles
- Semester
- THS Teacher: Mackay
- UVU Course: CS 1030
- UVU Course Name: Foundations of Computer Science
- Credit Hours: 3
- UVU CRN: Fall 33979, Spring 34281
New! Computer Programming 1
- Semester
- THS Teacher: Mackay
- UVU Course: INFO 1200
- UVU Course Name: Computer Programming I for IS IT
- Credit Hours: 3
- UVU CRN: Spring 39567
Computer Programming 2
- Semester
- THS Teacher: Mackay
- UVU Course: CS 1400
- UVU Course Name: Fundamentals of Programming
- Credit Hours: 3
- UVU CRN: Spring 30620
Web Development 1
- Semester
- THS Teacher: Mackay
- UVU Course: DWDD 1600
- UVU Course Name: Web Essentials
- Credit Hours: 3
- UVU CRN: Fall 33981, Spring 35895
Principles of Cybersecurity
- Semester
- THS Teacher: Mackay
- UVU Course: IT 1700
- UVU Course Name: Cybersecurity Essentials
- Credit Hours: 3
- UVU CRN: Fall 33980, Spring 34340
- Full Year
- THS Teacher: Nicholson
- UVU Course: CA 1000
- UVU Course Name: Culinary Basics
- Credit Hours: 3
- UVU CRN: Fall 27139
Medical Assistant
- Full Year
- THS Teacher: Abbott
- UVU Course: HLSC 1300
- UVU Course Name: Medical Terminology I
- Credit Hours: 3
- UVU CRN: Fall 39350
ASE Brakes
- Semester
- THS Teacher: Hassell
- UVU Course: AUT 1110, AUT 111L
- UVU Course Name: Brake Systems, Brake Systems Lab
- Credit Hours: 2 (Brake Systems), 1 (Lab)
- UVU CRN: Fall 30729 (Brake Systems), Fall 30732 (Lab)
ASE Electrical/Electronics
- Semester
- THS Teacher: Hassell
- UVU Course: AUT 1160, AUT 116L
- UVU Course Name: Automotive Electrical Systems, Auto. Electrical Systems Lab
- Credit Hours: 2 (Electrical Systems), 1 (Lab)
- UVU CRN: Spring 31343 (Electrical Systems), Spring 31345 (Lab)
ASE Steering & Suspension
- Semester
- THS Teacher: Hassell
- UVU Course: AUT 1210, AUT 121L
- UVU Course Name: Suspension & Steering Systems, Suspension & Steering Systems Lab
- Credit Hours: 2 (Suspension Systems), 1 (Lab)
- UVU CRN: Fall 32338 (Suspension Systems), Fall 32354 (Lab)
ASE Engine Performance
- Semester
- THS Teacher: Hassell
- UVU Course: AUT 1230, AUT 123L
- UVU Course Name: Engine Performance, Engine Performance Lab
- Credit Hours: 2 (Engine Performance), 1 (Lab)
- UVU CRN: Spring 33085 (Engine Performance), Spring 33084 (Lab)
New! College and Career Readiness (LIA)
- Full Year
- THS Teacher: Muavesi
- UVU Course: SLSS 101R
- UVU Course Name: Student Success Topics
- Credit Hours: 3
- UVU CRN: Fall 39890
Architectural Design 1
- Semester
- THS Teacher: Bjornstad
- UVU Course: EGDT 1090
- UVU Course Name: Intro to Architectural Drafting and Design
- Credit Hours: 2
- UVU CRN: Fall 25268, Spring 33322
Architectural Design 2
- Semester
- THS Teacher: Bjornstad
- UVU Course: EGDT 1020
- UVU Course Name: 3D Architectural Modeling
- Credit Hours: 3
- UVU CRN: Fall 27022, Spring 30276
Mechanical Engineering Design 1
- Semester
- THS Teacher: Bjornstad
- UVU Course: EGDT 1040
- UVU Course Name: Fundamentals of Technical Engineering Drawing
- Credit Hours: 3
- UVU CRN: Fall 25725, Spring 29851
Mechanical Engineering Design 2
- Semester
- THS Teacher: Bjornstad
- UVU Course: EGDT 1071
- UVU Course Name: 3D Modeling-SolidWorks
- Credit Hours: 3
- UVU CRN: Spring 31937