Consejo para el éxito #6- ¡Ven preparado!
9 de marzo de 2025
El consejo de hoy para el éxito es "Prepárate "Trae los Chromebooks completamente cargados - Recuérdale a tu...
The purpose of the STERLING SCHOLAR AWARDS, sponsored by Deseret Morning News and KSL Television, is to publicly recognize and encourage the pursuit of excellence in scholarship, leadership, and citizenship of high school seniors in Utah public high schools. It is a great honor to be chosen to represent Timpview High School as a Sterling Scholar.
Who is eligible? The Sterling Scholar Awards are open to Utah public high school seniors who will be graduating with their class in May 2025. Each high school may nominate one student in each of the 14 categories. The categories are Business and Marketing, Computer Technology, Dance, English, Family and Consumer Sciences, Instrumental Music, Mathematics, Science, Skilled and Technical Sciences Education, Social Science, Speech/Theater, Vocal Music, Visual Arts, and World Language.
How does the application and selection process work? Sterling Scholar applications will be available on the school website beginning Tuesday, August 27. Sterling Scholar applications will be due by Tuesday, September 17, at 2:30 p.m, to Mrs. Van Orden in room N123.
Timpview Sterling Scholars will be selected by departments based on the school application and an interview. After submitting an application, applicants must contact the department/category head to schedule an interview (listed below). Sterling Scholar Candidates will be judged on the following with equal weight (20%): General Scholarship, Category Scholarship, Leadership, Community Service/Citizenship, and Interview. Interviews will be held between September 19 and September 26. Sterling Scholar winners and alternates will be announced Friday, September 27, on the school website, on social media, and on a list posted outside Mrs. Van Orden’s room.
What can I expect if I’m chosen? As a Timpview Sterling Scholar, you will be expected to create a Sterling Scholar portfolio that will showcase your scholarship, leadership, and service. The Sterling Scholar committee will release deadlines and interview schedules in late fall. Timpview Sterling Scholar meetings and deadlines will also be released after candidates are chosen. All meetings are mandatory and all deadlines are absolute. Mrs. Van Orden is the Sterling Scholar coordinator for Timpview High School and will support you through the entire process.
For more information about the Sterling Scholar application or process, please contact Mrs. Van Orden in N123 or at
2024-2025 Sterling Scholar Application
Category/Department Heads (contact to set up an interview)
Business and Marketing Cynthia Carter
Computer Technology Bruce Gabbitas
Dance Tera Taylor
English Alison Van Orden
Family and Consumer Sciences Virginia Nicholson
Instrumental Music Marcel Bowman/John Bolton
Mathematics Terri Taylor
Science Denise Abbott
Skilled and Technical Sciences Education Cameron Whatcott
Social Science Cassidy Baker
Speech/Theater Kennedy Shanklin-Napierski
Vocal Music Russell Oliphant
Visual Arts Michelle Landers
World Language Kristin Holbrook
El consejo de hoy para el éxito es "Prepárate "Trae los Chromebooks completamente cargados - Recuérdale a tu...
El consejo para el éxito de hoy 11 de marzo es "Fomentar una mentalidad positiva" - Recuérdele a su hijo que...
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