Última modificación: 28 de febrero de 2025
School Improvement Plan
School Improvement Status
- Targeted Support & Improvement (TSI): No
- Additional Targeted Support & Improvement (ATSI): Yes; SWD
- Comprehensive Support Improvement (CSI): No
Strategic Plan Priority 1: Academic Achievement
Goal 1
- Increase ACT Aspire+ proficiency in 10th grade by 5% in English Language Arts, Math, and Science.
Goal 2
- Increase readiness for next level learning for every student by completing an advanced learning experience (as identified above) by graduation.
Action Plan & Implementation
Action Steps
- (TSI) Students with disabilities will receive tiered support in their content classes by highly qualified content and special education teachers. SpEd and Content Teachers will be provided a day each term to evaluate students and plan for the following term. Substitute teachers will cover the classes on these 4 days of the year. A trained aide will be provided in Directed Studies classes.
- Goal Area: SWD
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: $32,000.00
- Funding Source: Landtrust
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Multi-lingual students will receive Language Arts instruction by an ESL-endorsed teacher. The teacher and English Language Development (ELD) coordinator will have planning time during the summer and each term to coordinate, evaluate, and plan together.
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: $7,000.00
- Funding Source: Landtrust
- Expenditure: Substitutes
- Students in Secondary Math 2 (SM2) will receive Tier 1 co-taught instruction with Tier 2 support by 2 highly qualified teachers. This is a pilot program in two SM2 sections.
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: $30,000.00
- Funding Source: Landtrust
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Special education teachers will receive yearly co-teaching training.
- Timeline: Ongoing
- Cost: $10,000.00
- Funding Source: Landtrust
- Expenditure: Travel/Conference/Workshop
- Participating SM2 math teachers will receive yearly co-teaching training.
- Timeline: Ongoing
- Cost: $5,000.00
- Funding Source: Landtrust
- Expenditure: Travel/Conference/Workshop
- 9th Grade Academy teachers (ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies) of 2 cohorts will have a common Professional Learning Community (PLC) period.
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: $75,000.00
- Funding Source: Landtrust
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- A literacy teacher will continue Tier 3 support to students who are multiple grade levels behind in reading/literacy skills.
- Timeline: Ongoing
- Cost: $60,000.00
- Funding Source: Landtrust
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Yearly license purchase of literacy screening tool provided to all 9th & 10th grade students.
- Timeline: Ongoing
- Cost: $15,000.00
- Funding Source: Landtrust
- Expenditure: Supplies
- Funds/Scholarships will be provided to Economically Disadvantaged (ED) students’ 1st AP exam, all students who complete a CE course, all students who complete a CTE completer course.
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: $40,000.00
- Funding Source: Landtrust
- Expenditure: Supplies
- AVID Organizational Materials for all 9th & 10th graders.
- Timeline: Ongoing
- Cost: $5,000.00
- Funding Source: Landtrust
- Four AVID Elective Classes.
- Timeline: Ongoing
- Cost: $60,000.00
- Funding Source: Landtrust
- College Visits.
- Timeline: Ongoing
- Cost: $5,000.00
- Funding Source: Landtrust
- Professional Development (PD) for Faculty & Staff (Data & Effective PLCs).
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: $35,000.00
- Funding Source: Landtrust
- Expenditure: Supplies
- Multi-lingual students will receive Language Arts instruction with tiered support from an instructional aide in ELD ELA classes.
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: $15,000.00
- Funding Source: ML (5364)
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- ML students will be identified and supported by an FTE in an ELD class; a lead teacher will provide PD to teachers, track ML students and monitor all ACCESS testing. Funds will be used to pay for a prep for the ELD teacher.
- Timeline: 2024-2026
- Cost: $15,000.00
- Funding Source: ML (5364)
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- 4 ELA Teachers will use the Pre-AP ELA 1 Framework to instruct students in their ELA 9 Regular and ELA 9 Honors classes. This is a pilot program for 4 ELA 9 (2 regular & 2 honors). These 4 teachers will attend a Pre-AP ELA Summer Conference.
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: $15,000.00
- Funding Source: Teacher Quality
- Expenditure: Travel/Conference/Workshop
- Weekly PLCs will focus on data with a specific focus to improve instruction that supports our SIP goals. PD for data will be provided at the beginning of the school year.
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: $7,000.00
- Funding Source: Teacher Quality
- Expenditure: Travel/Conference/Workshop
Strategic Plan Priority 2: Wellness and Safety
- Increase attendance by 5% each year.
- Increase parent engagement activities by providing monthly activities on-site and in particular neighborhoods with outreach efforts. Next year will be our baseline year to track data for improvement.
Action Plan & Implementation
Action Steps
- All parents will have the opportunity to engage in monthly school activities to support SIP Goals from September through April. Attendance will be taken to track data.
- Goal Area: Welcoming
- Strategic Plan Strategy: G1 Strategy 2 – Increase family engagement
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: $10,000.00
- Funding Source: Landtrust
- Expenditure: Supplies
- Purchase of Attendance Monitoring Tool.
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: $8,000.00
- Funding Source: TSSA
- Expenditure: Supplies
- Trained and Supportive Student Mentors (3 FTE and 6 PT positions).
- Timeline: Ongoing
- Cost: $300,000.00
- Funding Source: TSSA
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
Strategic Plan Priority 3: Stewardship of Resources
Fund Allocation
- General
- Allocation: $633,369.00
- Total in Plan: $0.00
- Remaining to Budget: $633,369.00
- Allocation: $425,271.50
- Total in Plan: $308,000.00
- Remaining to Budget: $117,271.50
- Landtrust
- Allocation: $396,936.61
- Total in Plan: $389,000.00
- Remaining to Budget: $7,936.61
- EARS 5364 (ML Only)
- Purpose: ELD teacher extra prep for testing
- Allocation: $15,000.00
- Total in Plan: $30,000.00
- Remaining to Budget: -$15,000.00
- Teacher Quality
- Allocation: $59,825.00
- Total in Plan: $22,000.00
- Remaining to Budget: $37,825.00
Measurement of Goals & Stakeholder Involvement
Measurement of Academic Goals
- Progress monitoring by term (grades) and year (Aspire+ and ACT).
- Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) are expected to use data to improve instruction using common formative assessments.
Measurement of Wellness & Safety Goals
- Student attendance by term.
- Parent engagement attendance.
- Students and families identifying a supportive THS staff member.
- Students identifying their goals and readiness for advanced experiences.
- Attendance data will be collected from PowerSchool.
- Parent engagement activity attendance will be tracked.
- We anticipate PowerSchool will create a section within students’ college & career goals to document readiness for advanced experiences and to identify a supportive THS staff member.
Use of Additional Funds
- Additional professional development for teachers as well as supplies and support staff will be used according to needs that surface during the year.
Communication of Progress
- We will inform the school community via:
- Monthly Faculty Meetings
- School Community Council (SCC) meetings
- PTA and PTSA meetings
- Weekly newsletters
- School website
- Social media
Stakeholder Involvement in the School Improvement Plan
- Monthly SCC meetings are provided to the public to show data of outcomes tied to funds.
- Ongoing discussions take place regarding projected proposals with council input along the way.
- Drafts of proposals are provided in SCC meetings and updates are provided via email to council members.
- The final approved document is posted on the school’s website.
Names and Roles of Contributors
- School Community Council Members: See school website for current list.
- Building Leadership Team:
- Principal
- Assistant Principals
- 10 Department Chairs
- SpEd Teacher Leader
- ELD Coordinator
- AVID Coordinator
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