Last modified: febrero 5, 2025
Getting Started with Driver Education
How to accept the Course Invitation for Timpview Online Driver Education and Get Started
The version of Canvas used for Timpview Online Drivers Ed is not connected to your school district Canvas account–it is completely separate. You will need to follow the steps below to get started with this version of Canvas.
Note: The screenshots below are from a youtube video tutorial, so the name of the course is not for Timpview’s Online Driver Education, but the process is the same.
Do the Following Steps:
- Find the Course Invitation and select “Get Started”.
- Select “Accept”.
- On the login screen that appears, select the “Gmail” login icon.
- Select “Create My Account”
- Create a password and make sure you have a reliable way of remembering it, in case the “remember” feature fails.
- Select “I agree to the Acceptable Use Policy”.
- Select “Register”.
- You should now be in the course.
Source for all screen shots: