Consejo para el éxito #6- ¡Ven preparado!
marzo 9th, 2025
Today's tip for success is "Be prepared"Bring Chromebooks fully charged - Remind your student the...
Board Members not in attendance: Julie Thomson, Shane Wright, Perry Ridge
Camille Farias – (SIP #1) 85% of 9th and 10th graders will be reading at grade level
NWEA will give us a Lexile, Rise and Aspire+ also test for other standards/concepts.
Steps we’re taking: training for teachers on how to access and interpret student and class Reports.
Explanation of report teachers are using in their PLCs.
Additional Steps: New Language Arts Curriculum and Support for lowest proficient students (co-taught English and Math, 7 ELD classes, and 3 Sheltered English classes)
Brandon Dorathy – (SIP #2) 905 of 9th graders will be on track to graduate (6 credits) and increase their proficiency by 5% in 10th grade.
Showed slide of core subject pass rates after term 1
Subject: SM1 – Pass Rate: 81%
Subject: SM2 – Pass Rate: 97%
Subject: SM3 – Pass Rate: 92%
Subject: LA9 – Pass Rate: 91%
Subject: LA9H – Pass Rate: 98%
Subject: Astro 1 – Pass Rate: 100%
Subject: Earth and Space – Pass Rate: 77%
Subject: Bio – Pass Rate: 95%
Subject: World Geog – Pass Rate: 84%
Subject: AP Geog – Pass Rate: 98%
Lisa Pulver – (SIP #3) Advanced Coursework
Increase in AP exam registrations is 134– will parse out 9th grade increases in the future $20,000 approx paid
Efforts to pay for CE credit has increased the number of students enrolled:
179 more students enrolled in CE classes this school year.
Counselors holding 1-1 CCRs for 9th grade that discuss advanced options.
Second: Lisa Pulver
Today's tip for success is "Be prepared"Bring Chromebooks fully charged - Remind your student the...
Today's tip for Success for March 11 is "Encourage a Positive Mindset" – Remind your child that...
Today's Tip for Success for March 11th is "Minimize Stress" – Help them keep the week balanced...