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An Academic Letter is like reaching Varsity level in a sport, but for an academic class. Students who have gone above and beyond by their senior year in certain academic areas, qualify to be awarded with an academic letter. You can apply for academic letters during your Senior year, and then wear your academic pins during graduation. 

2024-2025 Academic Letter Applications

Directions: Complete an Academic Letter Application for each one you qualify for. Applications are due to the department chair listed below by Friday, April 18th. Students who qualify for academic letters will receive recognition in the Senior Honors Night Program. 

Go to the 2024-2025 Academic Letter Applications and then look through with academic area you may qualify for (you may have more than one, so look through them all!)

The teachers who you turn in your Academic Letter to are as follows:

Art: Michelle Landers

Ballroom: Ethan Snow

Business: Cynthia Carter

Computer Technology: Bruce Gabbitas, Stan Mackay

Dance: Tera Taylor

Debate: John Darowski

English: Alison Van Orden

ESL: Katie Muavesi

Family & Consumer Sciences: Virginia Nicholson

Mathematics: Terri Taylor

Medical: Denise Abbott

Music:  John Bolton, Marcel Bowman, or Russell Oliphant Physical Education: 

Dana Finlayson

Service Learning: 

Cassidy Baker

Science: Denise Abbott

Social Studies: Cassidy Baker

Student Leadership: 

Cassidy Baker

Technology Education: Cameron Whatcott

Theater: Kennedy Shanklin-Napierski

World Languages: 

Kristen Holbrook

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