Tips for Success #5- Have a Positive Mindset
marzo 8th, 2025
Today's tip for Success for March 11 is "Encourage a Positive Mindset" – Remind your child that...
En vísperas de los exámenes Aspire+ y ACT del 11 de marzo (para estudiantes de primer, segundo y tercer año), publicaremos Consejos para el éxito cada día.
Today’s Tip is Eat Brain-Boosting Foods – Offer protein-rich breakfasts (eggs, nuts, yogurt) and lots of hydration to support focus. The day of the test, make sure to eat a good breakfast!
Today's tip for Success for March 11 is "Encourage a Positive Mindset" – Remind your child that...
Today's Tip for Success for March 11th is "Minimize Stress" – Help them keep the week balanced...
El consejo de hoy para el Éxito del 11 de marzo es Minimizar el Estrés - Ayúdales a mantener la semana equilibrada...