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Last modified: marzo 3, 2025

Planificación de itinerarios CTE, CAPS y prácticas

Career Pathways Roadmap

Career Pathways serve as a roadmap student’s educational and career goals. Focusing on a career pathway helps students tailor their learning to their individual interests and abilities. Those who complete career pathway receive a state certificate and an area cord that is worn at graduation as recognition of their achievement. Pathway completion can be included on resumes, college applications, and scholarship applications.

Be aware of the following regarding the career pathways courses listed below:

  • At least one concentrator course with an asterisk * must be taken to complete the area pathway.
  • Students must complete a total of 3.0 credits of course work with C grade minimum in a specific pathway area to be considered a pathway completer.
  • Courses with a pound sign # offer Concurrent Enrollment college credit (CE & DE are college classes)

Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources

Arquitectura y construcción

Arts, Audio/Visual Technology & Communications

Empresa, Finanzas y Marketing

Informática y Tecnología de la Información

Education & Training

Engineering & Technology

Health Science

Human Services

Hospitality & Tourism

Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security

Transportation, Distribution & Logistics


If interested in completing a Career Pathway see your counselor or email Lisa Pulver

Students must submit Pathway Applications by the end of March of their senior year for recognition’